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Artifact Release Process

This page covers how artifacts (such as packaged files, eggs, or documentation) are released.

When are artifacts created?

Tasks that create artifacts should be performed when the final release prep branch has been merged into the develop branch. That merge commit will be the one that is tagged with the new version, and will be the commit cut to main (main will point to this commit once make release has been run). All artifacts should be generated from that commit.

But also, the artifacts should be generated before the final commit is tagged and the release cut to main, just in case something goes wrong during the artifact generation process (although that should hopefully be unusual).

That means the artifacts should be generated from the develop branch, after the release prep branch is merged into develop, but before we have run make release from the develop branch.

Where does it happen?

See the scripts/ script, just before the operations that tag the release and cut the release to main, there is a block of code that will deploy the current documentation version to GitHub Pages.